Project File:Infiltration – Optional

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Infiltration may be calculated using four different infiltration options. Green and Ampt (GA) (Green and Ampt, 1911), a multi-layered Green and Ampt Model, Green and Ampt with Redistribution (GAR) (Ogden and Saghafian, 1995), and Richards’ equation (RE) (Richards, 1931). Only one of these four methods should be selected.

Card Argument Description
none Specifies Green and Ampt (GA) infiltration calculations.
none Specifies Green and Ampt with Redistribution (GAR) infiltration calculations.
none Specifies three layered Green and Ampt infiltration.
none Specifies Richards’ Equation be used for infiltration.

3.6.1 Green and Ampt (GA)

When GREEN_AMPT is selected, values of hydraulic conductivity, wetting front suction head, porosity, and initial moisture are required. Parameter values may be input using the Mapping Table file or with the series of GRASS ASCII maps using the cards below.

Card Argument Description
CONDUCTIVITY  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm hr-1). REQUIRED for GREEN_AMPT or INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.
CAPILLARY  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of Green & Ampt wetting front capillary head parameter (cm). REQUIRED for GREEN_AMPT or INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.
POROSITY  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of soil porosity. REQUIRED for GREEN_AMPT or INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.
MOISTURE  [value]
map name
Used to assign the initial soil moisture content. If followed by a filename, the file will be read in as a GRASS ASCII initial soil volumetric water content map. If no input is specified, then the initial soil volumetric water content s will be input using the Mapping Table file. REQUIRED for GREEN_AMP or INF_REDIST.

3.6.2 Green and Ampt with Redistribution (GAR)

When GAR is specified, the GA parameters plus two additional parameters must be provided: the pore-distribution index, and residual saturation. These may be input in the Mapping Table file or by providing two GRASS ASCII maps using the cards below.

Card Argument Description
PORE_INDEX  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of the Brooks & Corey (1964) pore-distribution index. REQUIRED for INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.
RESIDUAL_SAT  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of the volumetric water content of the soil at residual saturation. REQUIRED for INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.
FIELD_CAPACITY  "filename.ext"
map name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing spatially varied values of the volumetric water content of the soil when gravity drainage ceases. REQUIRED for INF_REDIST. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.

3.6.3 Multi-layered Green and Ampt

The multi-layered GA parameters are assigned with the table described in Section 11, and referenced to an index map. The required project cards are listed below.

Card Argument Description
SOIL_TYPE_MAP "filename.ext"
index map file name Name of GRASS ASCII map containing index numbers related to soil type.
SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE  "filename.ext"
file name Input ASCII file containing values GA parameter in three soil layers for each soil referenced to in the SOIL_TYPE_MAP.

3.6.4 Richards’ Equation

When INF_RICHARDS is selected additional cards are required. There are also a number of optional input and output cards, as described below. Richard' Equation parameters may be specified in the MAPPING_TABLE, as well as in separate ASCII files. Required Inputs

Card Argument Description
none Specify Richards’ equation for calculation of soil moisture, infiltration, and ET if doing LONG_TERM simulations.
character string Type of water-content/head curve and hydraulic conductivity/head curve.
BROOKS - Brooks and Corey (1964), as extended by Hutson and Cass (1987), into the wet profile; or,
HAVERCAMP – Havercamp (1977) as modified by Lappala (1985). Parameter Assignment - Required

Select either SOIL_TYPE_MAP and SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE or use the Mapping Table.

Card Argument Description
SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE "filename.ext"
file name Input ASCII file with soil layer input parameters. Not used with MAPPING_TABLE
SOIL_TYPE_MAP  "filename.ext"
index map file name Name of GRASS ASCII map of soil type integer values corresponding to SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE. Not used with MAPPING_TABLE Optional Inputs

Card Argument Default Description
WATER_TABLE  "filename.ext"
map name no water table Simulate effect of water table on soil moisture. Specify filename of GRASS ASCII map that contains starting elevations of water table (m).
real none Size of unsaturated cell to use in all cells below the soil column specified in the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE or Mapping Table (m).
none no seasonal canopy resistance (when card is absent) Vary the vegetation canopy resistance during the year.
NORMAL Method used to calculate hydraulic conductivity at ground surface under ponded conditions:

NORMAL – from cell-centered water content of first cell,
GREEN_AMPT - saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of cell 1
AVERAGE - average of Ks and NORMAL

none do not assign
initial theta
Assign soil moisture from the file specified in the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE card, if simulating the water table.
integer 1 Maximum number of iterations on non-linear coefficients.
real 1.0 Weight on inter-cell hydraulic conductivities:
1.0 - forward
0.5 - centered
0.0 - backwards
character string ARITHMETIC Averaging method for inter-cell hydraulic conductivities,


real 0.025 Maximum allowable water content change during a time-step. Optional Output

Card Argument Description
IN_THETA_LOCATION  "filename.ext"
file name Input ASCII file that contains locations of cells to output time series moisture data.
OUT_THETA_LOCATION  "filename.ext"
file name Filename to output time series moisture data every HYD_FREQ time steps at cells specified in IN_THETA_LOCATION.

3.6.7 Special Infiltration Cards

Card Argument Description
READ_SM_HOTSTART  "filename.ext"
file name Input GRASS ASCII map file that contains starting surface soil moistures specified for every grid cell in the watershed. Works with all infiltration options.
WRITE_SM_HOTSTART  "filename.ext"
file name Filename to output GRASS ASCII map of soil moistures for every grid cell in the watershed at the end of the simulation. Works with all infiltration options.

GSSHA User's Manual

3 Project File
3.1     Required Inputs
3.2     Mapping Table – Optional
3.3     Overland Flow – Required
3.4     Interception – Optional
3.5     Rainfall Input and Options – Required
3.6     Infiltration – Optional
3.7     Channel Routing – Optional
3.8     Continuous Simulations – Optional
3.9     Saturated Groundwater Flow – Optional
3.10     Soil Erosion – Optional
3.11     Constituent Transport – Optional
3.12     Subsurface Drainage Network – Optional
3.13     Output Files – Required