Surface Water Routing:Channel Boundary Conditions
From Gsshawiki
A channel water surface depth (not stage) may be specified at the outlet of the model. To specifiy the outlet water surface depth, you must include the card:
in the project file and then one of the two following cards
BOUND_DEPTH [value] BOUND_TS "time series name"
The BOUND_DEPTH card will set a constant head, while the BOUND_TS card will specify a time series of depths to use. For BOUND_TS the "time series name" should appear in the TIME_SERIES_FILE file. The format for all time series is the same. Multiple TIME_SERIES_FILE cards may be used.
GSSHA User's Manual
- 5 Surface Water Routing
- 5.1 Channel Routing
- 5.2 Overland Flow Routing
- 5.3 Channel Boundary Conditions
- 5.4 Overland Boundary Conditions
- 5.5 Embankments
- 5.6 Overland/Channel Interaction
- 5.7 Introducing Discharge/Constituent Hydrographs
- 5.8 Overland Routing with Snow
- 5.9 Overland Routing with BMPs